Your 1st for Philippine Defense

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

PAF Confirms Acquisition of C-295 as its Medium Lift Fixed Wing Transport Aircraft

After finally getting confirmation from DND sources, MaxDefense is confident to announce the recent award of the medium lift fixed wing aircraft procurement project by the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) to Airbus Military/CASA for the C-295 aircraft. This was after Airbus Military was chosen over PT Dirgantara Indonesia (PTDI - Indonesian Aerospace) with its CN-235, and Alenia Aermacchi of Italy with its ATR-42 (yes, they did not offer the C-27J) for the 2nd bidding attempt made by the DND. PT DI and Alenia Aermacchi's bids were found unacceptable by the DND's Bids and Awards Committee. Airbus Military's bid was at Php 5,288,609,983.99, which is lower than the budget allocated by the AFP.

Airbus Military's C-295, which was awarded recently by DND for the PAF's Medium Lift Fixed Wing Aircraft acquisition project.

The project is currently being questioned by losing bidder Alenia Aermacchi over its claim that both of its competitors in the project, Airbus Military and PT DI, are actually strategic partners and are linked together by the production of CN-235 (PT DI's offer) and C-295 (Airbus Military's offer) by both aircraft manufacturer's facilities. Although Alenia's complaints have been brought to the DND, there was no formal complaint filed by them against the decision of the DND to award the project to Airbus Military. PT DI's bid was rejected by the DND as the aircraft being offered was not compliant, the CN-235 cannot carry the required number of passengers and paratroopers due to its shorter fuselage size. Alenia Aermacchi did not submit a bid due to its ongoing complaint, although they submitted the ATR-42 during the 1st bid attempt. More of this issue was discussed in an earlier MaxDefense blog entry, which can be found on the following links:

C-295 Only Eligible Bid for PAF's Medium Lift Fixed Wing Aircraft Acquisition Program (January 14, 2014)
Tech Specs Released for PAF's Medium Lift Fixed Wing Transport Aircraft - Is there a Sure Winner? (October 25, 2013)
PAF's Medium Lift Fixed Wing Aircraft Program - A Simple Analysis of the 3 Contenders (October 23, 2013)

Poland is a user of the Airbus Military C-295.

It is expected that the aircraft will be operated by the PAF's 220th Airlift Wing based in Benito Ebuen Air Base in Mactan, Cebu, probably with the 221st Airlift Squadron which operates the Fokker F-27 Friendship that the C-295 intends to complement and replace in the near future. It is also expected that follow-up orders will be exercised by the PAF, which may see the fleet increase from the initial 3 ordered. Per contract, the expected delivery of the 1st aircraft will be by May 2016, but this can be moved earlier depending on Airbus Military's production schedule. Based on the post bid qualification  inspections, it also appears that the PAF orders will be manufactured by the CASA-Airbus Military facility in Seville, Spain rather than with PT DI's facility in Bandung, Indonesia.

The C-295 is expected to compliment and eventually replace the Fokker F-27 Friendship with the 220th Airlift Wing of the PAF.

It is expected that the actual contract will be signed between the AFP and Airbus Military within March, 2014. 

With the C-295's win, it also solidify its chances in getting shortlisted for the PAF's Maritime Patrol Aircraft project. MaxDefense sources confirmed that the US-route that was being sought after by the PAF is not yet 100% confirmed, and the C-295 and other new models could still be chosen. To simplify training, logistics and maintenance, aircraft commonality might be considered, this recent win will push the C-295 forward in the race. Previous reports confirmed that Alenia Aermacchi is offering an ATR-42 or ATR-72 based MPA platform for the PAF, while PT DI's CN-235 platform is also being offered. 

Chile's C-295 Maritime Patrol Aircraft.

MaxDefense will provide further updates on this project as the project progresses from production to delivery.

January 23, 2015:
A heads-up information from one of our readers lead us to a photo taken by Juanfco Mayoral and posted on Taken on October 2014 based on the information from the website, showing an Airbus Military C-295 in Philippine Air Force markings undertaking flight testing in Spain.

The said photo of the PAF-bound C-295.
Photo by Juanfco Mayoral c/o

It sports the specified white over grey body paint similar to what the PAF's Fokker F-27 Friendships are currently using. Unfortunately, it appears that the PAF C-295 doesn't have the winglets on the tip of the wings that are meant to improve the performance of the aircraft, even if there are news that Airbus Military will be having such winglets on all new-build C-295s starting 2014. It is assumed based on the photo that the PAF-bound C-295 in the photo, with tail number 129, was built within 2014.

With the presence of this aircraft, it is now expected that Airbus Military will be able to deliver far earlier than what was expected from them, with this aircraft probably in PAF's hands by within the 1st half of 2015. It could also be possible that a 2nd aircraft can be delivered within the year.

April 1, 2015:

The Department of National Defense and the Philippine Air Force formally accepted the first of three brand new Airbus Military-CASA C-295M medium tactical transport aircraft in a formal ceremony last March 30, 2015 at Villamor Air Base, Pasay City. It would be assigned with the 220th Airlift Wing based in Benito Ebuen Air Base in Mactan, Cebu.

The PAF's 1st C-295M aircraft during the acceptance ceremonies.
Photo taken from GMA News.

The aircraft, with tail number 129, was delivered several months in advance, and has already embarked on its first mission when it delivered supplies from Villamor Air Base to Benito Ebuen Air Base in Cebu, then to Edwin Andrews Air Base in Puerto Princesa, Palawan.

It is expected that the rest of the ordered aircraft will be arriving in advance as well, probably within this year.

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  1. From the link below which was published 2/28/14, DND has already declared EADS/CASA as winners and they have already given notice of award to them.

    1. Jendrich, based on experience, getting your info from news reports can sometimes be a big no-no, especially for a site like MaxDefense which has an integrity to protect as a defense site. Confirming it direct from the source is way better than betting on local news.

    2. "Integrity" that's why i love MaxDefense. Just a little Maxdefense will break the 80,000 viewers. More power sir Max!

    3. Totally agree. ....

  2. Sana all weather to at day/ night transport may electro optic nvg pa

  3. Why not, with the C-295, you have the basis for the C-295 MPA version and the C-295 AEW&C . You simplified Maintinance and commonality on C-295 Airframe. For the Philippines, I would not only get the C-295 as their Medium Transport, but also get the C-295 for MPA and AEW&C as well. I can see the PN getting the C-295 MPA and the PAF getting the C-295 and C-295 AEW&C. It would save them cost and they would have a common airframe to work with.

    1. Unfortunately for Airbus Military, the so-called "no. 1 contender" now are probably upgraded P-3 Orions from the USN EDAs..

    2. The Philippine gov't has been asking the US for the P-3 Orions a long time already which they have given readily to other nations. Do they have issues with providing these hi-tech eqpt. to us?

    3. With the C-295, you have 3 roles in one Airframe, such as Transport, MPA and AEW&C. It simplifies Maintenance and operations.

    4. No issues, it's just the US wants us to pay for them. Now the Philippines has the capability to pay, so it would be provided if requested.

    5. I think it's because the US doesn't trust the Philippines with the US made high tech gear. At the same time, the Philippines are not a favored Nation on the US radar.

    6. Nicky, better take a look at your government's new financial and economic policies. There were many instances that the US can provide these items for free to the Philippines, but it was the Philippines that rejected as part of the terms is for the Philippines to shoulder the transfer, refurbishing, upgrading, and operation for a certain number of years, even if the item itself is free. It's not because the US doesn't trust the Philippines, in fact, they do trust but is worried on the financial side of the deal. If the PH can't maintain P-3s and F-16s before, why would the US provide in the 1st place?

    7. US has many EDA in its inventory even if these items are given for "free" PH/AFP at present does not have the capability and experience yet to operate High Gears from the US even if AFP personnel are exposed to these high gears during US-PH military exercises like Balikatan its still not enough. and that's when the US-PH IRP comes in I believe this one of the reason of this agreement to expose AFP personnel to the equipment that the US will be stationing here on a rotational basis.

    8. That nicky guy is the same lao troll from other forum who squabbles his so called defense expertise with regards to PI. never ending tirade against our military and pinoys as a whole. That guy is a joke.

    9. Apart from what Max and others said, the US like any other seller has a reputation to protect. If products they have sold another country is poorly maintained and crashes or malfunction it will not give a good impression and may break future sales. Also, grants from the US does not just look at our ability to pay, they also have another gauge when selling, the country's corruption and human rights, track record. They only sell to those who have good track record, they do not want their products being used for personal purposes by corrupt government personnel or used to support activities that violates human rights.

    10. beggars and moochers can't be choosers

      AnonymousMarch 4, 2014 at 2:17 PM
      The Philippine gov't has been asking the US for the P-3 Orions a long time already which they have given readily to other nations. Do they have issues with providing these hi-tech eqpt. to us?

  4. As Max said and hopefully that would be the case it would be the next # 1 contender for the maritime patrol aircraft of the PAF or the PN . Here are various reason why this aircraft can be in a multi role capacity . (Information taken from Naval technology .com)
    The C295 MPA is fitted with an advanced integrated avionics system. The avionics suite consists of four liquid crystal displays and associated control units.
    A set of geophysical sensors provide attitude, heading and air data information. Other subsystems include an AHRS (attitude and heading reference system), an ADS (air data system), a FMS (flight management system) and an automatic flight control system.
    The aircraft is fitted with a fully integrated tactical system (FITS) for mission control.
    The system comprises a range of sensors and components including search radar, electro-optic / infrared sensors (EO/IR), electronic support measures (ESM) / an electronic intelligence system (ELINT), COMINT, a magnetic anomaly detector (MAD), an IFF interrogator, a SATCOM, a datalink and a Link-11.
    Other subsystems include acoustics systems, an automatic identification system (ais) and sea pollution detection systems.
    The FITS ASW version underwent operational evaluation (OPEVAL) and conducted anti-submarine and anti-surface missions during Nato exercises.
    The C295 has up to six underwing hard points for weapon systems. The hard points can hold torpedoes, anti-surface missiles, mines and depth charges.
    A C295 MPA anti-submarine variant has successfully conducted its first torpedo launch test in May 2010.

    The aircraft is equipped with self-protection equipment including cockpit armour, a radar warning receiver (RWR), a missile approach warning system (MAWS) and a laser warning receiver (LWR)
    The aircraft can fire chaff / flares to deceive the incoming radar-directed anti-aircraft artillery (AAA), radar command-guided missiles, radar homing guided missiles and infrared guided missiles.
    The C295 MPA is powered by two PW127 turboprop engines driving Hamilton Sundstrand Type 568F-5 six bladed propellers. Each propeller has a diameter of 3.9m. The engine provides a nominal take-off power of 2,645shp.
    The main landing gear is equipped with independent oleo-pneumatic type shock-absorber units retract rearwards into the fuselage. Two interconnected levered legs featuring four wheels are arranged in a tandem configuration on each side.
    The nose landing gear has two wheels arranged in twin configuration. The brake system is equipped with an anti-skid control system.
    If and only if it would have a budget of its own and with all the current equipments needed to be in multi role capacity then it might be one of the game changer the AFP can use. So, how about an initial order of 2 and 1 to go as a starter. Let me end this with a quote from a famous actor "Mathew Mcconaughey" alright, alright,alright....!

    1. The only lacking are it's own air to air missiles to defend against enemy aircraft.

    2. Maxdefense have said that C-295 can be equipped with missiles and torpedos, and soft kill defense for anti-surface warfare. How about air warfare? I think the primary purpose of C295 is for surveillance. Is like that what you mentioned mentioned capability of C295 upgrade is can carry a lot of capability. Is this will not compromise the aerodynamics integrity of aircraft and also its radar signature. Remember the technology in airwarfare today they could detect you in long range with with long range missile threats with low radar signature. When designing the capability it must be specific not generic. Look on low orbitting satellites in west philippine sea as part of air space warfare threats. Do we consider.this threat in our air platform.

    3. You got it wrong buddy. The C-295 the PAF ordered are medium tactical transports. But there is a MPA version derived of the aircraft that was offered to the PAF as well. MPA's are not designed for "air warfare" but for maritime surveillance.

  5. the c295 the afp buying can do an aws mission?

  6. Hope DND would acquire also the Anti-Submarine Warfare/ISR version and in the future the Airborne Early Warning & Control(AEW&C) Versions of the C 295...

    1. From what i believe, the P3 Orion can carry several torpedoes. I'm all for a brand new C295 MPA IF it can carry torpedoes as well.

    2. It can, since it has a ASW version...

      see this link

  7. Sir max, what is the chance of getting a used P-3 Orion from US? i heard that US is retiring the Orion and being replaced by Poseidon.

    1. The chances are high. It is actually the frontrunner as the deal appears a EDA G2G rather than by public tender.

    2. can the govt use the $40m aid to purchase the P3s sir max?

    3. Hi Max, should the AFP re-order more C295s shouldn't it be out of the bidding process? Or you "bid" it out but set out the specs of the C295? How big is the difference between the C295 and P3 in terms of cost and capabilities? Freddie

  8. with the acquisition of these highly-equipped and ultra-modern sky patrols, the philippineshas now become the most capable southeast asian nation in terms of maritime patrol. even taiwan will have second thoughts entering our territorial waters because i am told that these birds are capable of firing multiple anti ship missiles and torpedoes at the same time. with their range, they can also be used to bomb hainan island if china keeps on provoking us.

    1. Oh, come on. This sort of false pride does not help.

      First, the aircrafts are not there yet. You can't count on what is not yet there.
      Second, PAF is buying the transport version, not a maritime patrol version.
      Third, even when eventually PAF gets some sort of modern maritime patrol aircraft, other countries are continually updating their defense systems too. Your premature self-congratulation is just that, premature.

      In short, you have no idea what you are talking about.

  9. United States will help us, because we are the most trusted ally in this region. I'm sure they will give us more of modern weapons in the future. F-16 Viper, P-3 Orion, C-130 Hercules, Cobra helis, Oliver Hazard Perry frigate, ...near in the future. I'm ready for bet it. We are proud to be Pinoy, we also proud to be American ally. (Nestor)

    1. Due to the economic situation in the US, they will no longer provide these weapons for free but rather sell them. And besides, if and when they give them, it goes with "strings" or substantially down graded to the point that they are ineffective for immediate use.

    2. All of the equipment mention above are readily avail. thru FMS, PH being a MNNA can easily acquired those equipment but the question is, is PH willing to pay for the upgrade & refurbishment of does equip. and usually when US "gives it for free" it comes with strings attached to it like the 2 WHECs.

  10. The P-3's are actually a good buy if you base it on mission systems w/c are proven. I watched before how lockheed gets the p-3 from the boneyard nd attaching new wings to it. The p-3 has higher payload together w/ its enclosed weapos bay than the c295 asw but it has older fuselage. Either of the 2 would be great.

    Sir in case we tender for asw aircraft does it go to the navy or airforce?

  11. Sir Max,

    In your personal opinion would you recommend a P3 orion over a C295 with regards to maritime surveillance?

    Which would be cheaper to operate?


  12. P3 orion has a proven performance and reliability, it can be aloft for almost 23 hrs during it's maritime patrol in one of the country in south america who operates it. While C295 is also a promising aircraft and capable of short runways. The electronic / sensors in the aircraft the brings it effectiveness & worthiness and of course the variety of weapons the aircraft can carry. P3 can carry more weapons because of higher payload capability......nonetheless if US will offer to us through EDA at a very cheapest price without deducting all electronics and sensors in the aircraft then why not........of course with the assumption that our navy personnel is competent to operate it. For operating cost i think the C295 is lesser operating cost compare to P3 in my view.

    1. The difference between P3 Orion and C-295 is big. Unfortunately this is also reflected in its operating costs. (To keep things short, I peg it at about 4x. Might be more, as the Orions are old.)

      I do believe though that ideally Phillipine will use both. As far as I know, the US is willing to sell 2 or 3 second-hand P3 Orion to Philippine at really low price. Might even be lower than a new C-295 MPA/Persuader version. But 2 or even 3 Orions are nowhere near enough to cover Philippine's seas. So you need to supplement this with some other planes. Cheaper to operate planes.

      So hopefully in the next administration Philippine can operate both P3 Orion and a smaller but cheaper MPA. It's likely that this is going to be the C-295 Persuader, but if some other producers made a good offer, I'm sure it will be considered too.

  13. Off mga air show nakadisplay ang fa-50 jet wala ako makita na smart bomb/gps bomb sa tabi ng fa-50 jet and doon lang ay ung meverick aim sidewider sensor fuse bomd at dumb bomb wala smart bomb mula sa rafael israel at wala ring litening 2 targeting pod.....baka ang ating fa-50 d pa integrated mga weapons mula at sensor mula sa israel.

  14. Regarding fa 50 ph, try to read topic about this in furom discussion, and in pdff as well. Evrything about this bird was discuss on that thread.

  15. P3 are already old and the life of its airframe is almost at the end thats why they are also to be replace by P8. It will take a huge money to extend its life but not for very long time, most of it are with 4 engine operation and maintenance might be out of our reach. On the other side 295mpa are brand new, loaded with proven advance tech, low operating cost and been design to be competitor of P3 in the market. Since we will have 295, its variant are promising.....not only the military will have the benefit but also other gov agency since it can be easily configured for other purpose....base on airbus website.....

  16. Max paki start ng discussion ukol sa kaganapan sa crimea ukraine......obserbahan natin to ng maigi.....sana ang arm forces natin ay on red alert.....baka sa susunod na umaga world war 3 na pala.

    1. No.. US and EU wont intervene, Russia Supplies a lot of gas at EU, once Russia cuts its supply, EU would be in recession again... US wont send troops in the Door Steps of Russia... So its up to Ukraine, if they would fight back.. Since they are dependent on Russian Oil and Uranium for there Nuclear Power Plants, the Only option they have is to be at good relations again with Russia... US is suffocating Russia, Installing Missile Shields in many countries to block possible Nuclear Attack in the Future,.. And Russia don't want to loose its base on the Black Sea Fleet...

  17. I 'm sure everyone is monitoring what's happening at Ukraine and on that side of the world, but let's not be panicky. The involved superpowers will think many times over before going into a shooting war. In the meantime, let's continue to focus on the purpose of this site because it is what concerns us on this side of the world. Any info guys on the return of ROTC?

  18. What other leader in asia fear is baka ang china gayahin ang russia sa pag invade like taiwan na consider na provice nila or Kalayaan group of islands sa west philippine sea. With the attitude ng US eh parang mahina foreign policy and sa europe bagsak ang economia kaya si Putin ang bida.....

    1. thats why its better to rely on ourselves and self reliance with the minor backing of the US and west. Our politicians are short sighted and stupid not planning this ahead of time. Now its kind of late. China is in our doorstep and the US is not sure to react. Just be prepared to speak Mandarin.

    2. i guess it's not philippines control anymore. The reason why china is not able to occupy their claims is because we know, USA. In my point of view USA can only pursue sanctions not war because Ukraine was originally part of russia/soviet russia historically where the latter gain its independence after soviet breakdown also russia is 2nd in military world power and ukraine being part of russia in the past is a big reasonable advantage for russians.

  19. i mostly like c-295 MPA for our maritime patrol requirement i guess c-295 with its variety of updated modern avionics and weapons it can carry is best suited for our needs also we can get this as new. i like newly built equipments for our armed forces thats my bottom line.

  20. Let's all hope that the US doesn't wimp out on Crimea, especially with the help of NATO. If they fail, what is to stop China from grabbing the Kalayaan Group. The US has immense economic interest in China and almost none with Russia. Looks like we're going to be on our own.

  21. this is out of topic but just want to know the new Kubar boots being purchased by the PA look nice. I want to buy one for myself, I cannot locate it in the internet where to buy in the US or the name of the company and manufacturer in the US. Is this made in the Philippines? and where can I order this. Anyone knows? I appreciate it.

  22. anybody here can give me the business address, email of Soul of David Corp. (Jo Magcale) the supplier of ready to eat meals for the yolanda victims and AFP.

    1. I can not guarantee that the email and office address are still valid, but do a whois register for Stone of David Corp (same people)

  23. the Kubar boots ordered by the PA is locally made by a local company named Filboots of Pateros, Metro Manila. This is good news for the local defense industry. the boots look very nice and hope the quality too. I like to order too for my hiking and hunting.

  24. Anything new? Matagal na to eh...

    1. This was posted at a later date because of the need to confirm the report. MaxDefense would want to be sure rather than believe in the almost everytime-wrong local media.

  25. to all our military leaders who are in chargr of safeguarding of our territory specially those eho overseeing the ayungin shoal, were trusting your capability on how to handle this situation and we are hoping that this will not be taken by china to us. well see how taugh and military intelligent you are since most of you are the products of PMA. otherwise all filipino people will not trust the armed forces of the philippines for being coward and poor in military knowledge. lem1

  26. From:

    Sir max ano po ung sinasabi d2 sa article in " a deal involving the purchase of eight combat utility helicopters from Canada may also be forged this week."

  27. sir max...Iwould like to ask you how capable are those marines who stationed in the brp sierra madre to defend themselves from chinese aggression just in case?what weapon do they have?rpg?machine guns?m-16 rifle?what else? why does the navy doesn't have a regular patrol near the ayungin shoal?I'm glsd if you can mske some blogs regarding this matter so others may understand well the importance of this area to our country. lem1

    1. They are special for they have the perseverance, patience, and courage to be there for love of country and duty. Because even if you put the best forces in the world in that rust bucket of a base, a determined enemy can take it out in a few seconds.

  28. Mr Max. I've been reading your posts and comments since last year. I have to say that your comments and reactions to reader's postings are getting fewer by the month. Either you had been approached by military/govt representative to clamp down on information dissemination or you are just to busy...

    Anyway I doubt any secretive information with regard to purely Philippine military buildup to protect the West Philippine Sea that Chinese military strategist do not know unless it has something to do with US military involvement.

    The Chinese is just protecting it's own and beyond that they see fit. The bottom line now is will the Philippines be collateral damage to prove a point...I hope that the decision makers in Malacañang will not give in to either Chinese expansion and/or American domination. -- FMO

    1. Too busy. No clampdown, don't worry.

    2. Same reason why MaxDefense @ Facebook is down indefinitely.

    3. Hi Max, Its in the news that AFP/DND is purchasing 2long range patrol aircraft, will they be the Orion or Sea Hercs? How about the CUH from Canada, the Bells that you mentioned back when you discussed the simulators?

    4. The acquisition of 2 long range maritime patrol aircraft waa discussed in previous MaxDefense discussions, and I believe it would be refurbished P-3 Orions. As for the CUH, the level of confidence that the PAF is getting Bell 412 is high. However, final fit is still questionable.

    5. Then what is the rationale' in getting the 412 and with only 100 only being built?

    6. Hi Sir Max, the 8 new Sokols Have been moved to SAR and again the new CUH will be for SAR? Why would that be? When will we ever get more new CUH to increase our CUH back to 100 plus? When will we increase our number of real attack helicopters?

    7. I have no idea what you mean by rationale and where the number 100 came from. Bell 412 is a proven design used by many organizations all over the world, both military and civilian. Turning into a CUH is a matter of adding extra equipment without having to redesign the structure. The price is acceptable. Plenty of civilian users make it easier to get common spare parts. It has up-to-date avionics. It has a wide door, making easier for troops to egress and ingress. The engine is reliable and easy to maintain. All things considered, this seems to me like a sensible choice.

      Again, I have no idea where you got the number 100 or what it means. There are over 800 Bell 412 of various types and more are being built even today.

    8. Only 100 griffons were made, aren't they the same as the 412s? The news said it will also be used for SAR, aren't the sokols enough?

    9. Max, regarding the CUH will PAF buying brand new Griffons or Refurbish ones from Canada?

    10. Not exactly Griffons, as the Griffons are Canada-spec'd Bell 412. The PAF Bell 412s are specified according to its own requirement, and may not be necessarily the same as that of the Griffon. BTW, it's all brand new, not refurbished.

    11. Good to hear that's its going to be brand new. hopefully they acquire more because 3 out of the 8 will be for VIP transport that means only 5 will be a CUH.

  29. Hi Sir Max. Since, the contract for the purchase of F/A 50 will be signed soon when are you going to write a blog about this deal between KAI and the Phil govt.

  30. c295 is good to go for a picnic in the week end ...we need real military aircrafts with reliable performance. No APU, NO power, a tiny cabin, weak structure, with a lilliputian loading system good for a couple of Nissan micra..This is really a waste of money

    1. @Tom. You may want to tell that to the air forces of Spain, Brazil, Kazakhstan, Indonesia, Portugal, Poland, Mexico, and a few more that I don't remember. I am sure they will be thrilled to hear your opinion and will instantly appoint you as their top military advisor.

  31. Thanks for providing such great coverage on this topic.

  32. max vietnam got their (3) 295's for 109 mil while ours at 120 mil, is it overpriced baka naman may nakinabang na naman.

  33. @ian, vietnam got theirs with less equipment than ours

  34. " It is assumed based on the photo that the PAF-bound C-295 in the photo, with tail number 129, was built within 2014."

    @maxdefense, this doesnt make sense. of course it was built within 2014. NOA was issued 2014

  35. One (1) C-295 has just arrive in clark air base this afternoon. This is a partial delivery. Congrats Phil Air Force.....


Philippine Navy Modernization Projects

Philippine Air Force Modernization Projects