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Monday, December 17, 2018

Israel's GAIA Awarded to Supply AMIR 4X4 MRAP for the PNP-Special Action Force

MaxDefense received a confirmation from sources from the Philippine National Police, that the PNP Special Action Force has awarded the Supply and Delivery of One (1) Lot of Multi-Purpose Armored Personnel Carrier and Accessories acquisition project to Stone of David Corp. – GAIA Automotive Industries Ltd.  This was after the said JV company passed the Post Qualification Inspection (PQI) for the project.

The GAIA AMIR 4x4 armored vehicle, as seen during post-production road tests. The PNP-SAF ordered 16 units to fulfill its requirements.
Credits to original source of the photo.

Project Background:

The Multi-Purpose Armored Personnel Carrier and Accessories acquisition project of the PNP-SAF was intended to provide the said unit with a fleet of new wheeled 4x4 Armored Personnel Carriers to beef up its mechanized capabilities. The project has an Approved Budget for Contract (ABC) worth Php618,213,470.00, and was to be acquired through Public Bidding.

The lot includes the following items:

16 wheeled 4x4 Armored Personnel Carriers that are Mine-Resistant Ambush Protected (MRAP) and can be armed or fitted with weapon stations and accessories, with the following:
* 2 APCs will be equipped with a mobile assault ramp;
* 7 APCs will be fitted with a Remote Controlled Weapon Station (RCWS) armed with a 40mm grenade launcher and a .50 caliber heavy machine gun;
* 7 APCs will be fitted with a RCWS armed with a .50 caliber heavy machine gun.

Accessories are as follows:
* Spare Barrels for the .50 caliber Heavy Machine Guns,
* 103,000 rounds of .50 caliber linked ammunition,
* 7,000 rounds of 40mm linked grenade ammunition,
* 6 towing bars.

Participating Proponents

Three (3) proponents submitted their bids to the PNP-SAF BAC last 27 November 2018:

Kolonwel Trading – Chaiseri Metal and Rubber Co. Ltd. Thailand Joint Venture, which submitted their proposal based on the Chaiseri Defence First Win 4x4 armoured vehicle;

The Chaiseri First Win 4x4 armored vehicle from Thailand.
Credits to source of photo.

Stone of David Corp. – GAIA Automotive Industries Ltd. Israel, which submitted a proposal based on the GAIA Amir 4x4 armoured vehicle;

LSV – TAR Ideal Join Venture, which was disqualified early on, thus their proposal was not verified.

In our previous Facebook post last 27 November 2018, MaxDefense mentioned that SODCorp – GAIA Automotive JV was declared to be the lowest bidder, while Kolonwel Trading – Chaiseri Metal and Rubber Co. Ltd. JV was declared the 2nd lowest bidder.

The GAIA Amir 4x4 for the PNP-SAF:

The GAIA Amir 4x4, which is the armored vehicle to be supplied by SODCorp. – GAIA Automotive JV, is the flagship armored vehicle product of Israel’s GAIA Automotive Industries Ltd. The vehicle is said to be extremely agile and manoeuvrable for its size, and was built as an MRAP-capable armored vehicle for the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) and for the export market. It has a STANAG 4569 Level II armored protection, and Mine Protection Level 1a and 2b.

Further improvements can be made, including increase armored protection to STANAG 4569 Level IV and protection from explosives equivalent to up to 10kgs of TNT, although this would affect the vehicle’s weight, movement performance, and payload.

The Amir is based on a body-on-ladder frame chassis, and is powered by a 4.5L Cummins diesel engine mated to an 8-speed automatic transmission, allowing it to run at a top speed of 122kph and a maximum payload of up to 3 tons. It can be armed with a variety of weapons including RCWS, manually-operated 1-man turrets, anti-tank or anti-aircraft missile launchers, 81mm or 120mm mortar systems.

An Amir command variant with an RCWS and extendable comms antenna
Photo taken from GAIA's website.

No mention was made on the source of the RCWS for 14 of the 16 APCs, but MaxDefense believes that it could be sourced from Israel or Europe. Out of the 14 RCWS, 7 will have a combined weapon mounting for a 40mm grenade launcher and a .50-caliber machine gun. It is expected that all RCWS will be capable of night operations, which is among the lessons learned by the AFP and PNP during the Marawi campaign against Maute Group terrorists last 2017.

Originally, the plan was to install the RCWS on the PNP-SAF’s existing fleet of V-150 Commando 4x4 armoured vehicles, but it was later on revised to be installed on the new armoured vehicles instead.

Meanwhile, the mobile assault ramp would allow the PNP-SAF to conduct assault on low-level structures, including counter-terrorism actions on airliners and buildings. Presently, MaxDefense believes that only the AFP Special Operations Command (AFP SOCOM), specifically the Light Reaction Regiment (LRR) has a similar capability.

Potential Markets for GAIA’s Armoured Vehicles:

Several months ago, Israel’s GAIA Automotive Industries Ltd. Signed an agreement with Filipino company Stone of David Corp. to establish an armoured vehicle factory in the Philippines to cater for local and regional export requirements. Apparently, most of the APCs ordered by the PNP-SAF are said to be built in the almost-completed factory of GAIA Automotive Industries Philippines.

Aside from the PNP-SAF, GAIA Philippines is also looking at the potential of selling their armored vehicles to the Armed Forces of the Philippines, as well as to different PNP units in the country that may require the need for light armored vehicles.

Based on MaxDefense’s gathered information, GAIA is also looking at potentially supplying the smaller Thunder 4x4 light armored tactical vehicle to the Philippine Army and the Philippine Marine Corps, both of which are looking at acquiring armored tactical vehicles as part of the Horizon 2 phase of the Revised AFP Modernization Program.

The Philippine Army has the Light Tactical Vehicle acquisition project, with a proposed acquisition of up to 200 vehicles under a proposed budget of Php4,000,000,000.00, or an average budget of Php20 million per vehicle, and armed with a canopy-mounted 12.7mm heavy machine gun. GAIA is said to be proposing to offer either the AMIR 4x4 or the smaller Thunder 4x4. GAIA is expected to be competing with KIA Motors of South Korea, with their KLTV, which is currently being tested by the PA after KIA provided a few units as donation for evaluation purposes.

The KIA KLTV (right) is currently being evaluated by the Philippine Army for their Light Tactical Vehicle requirements. GAIA Automotive is expected to compete in this project as well.

Meanwhile, the Philippine Marine Corps has the Tactical Combat Vehicle acquisition project, which involves the acquisition of up to 60 vehicles with a proposed budget of Php1,800,000,000.00, or an average of Php30 million per vehicle. Apparently the PMC wanted the vehicle to be equipped with an RCWS, and both the AMIR and Thunder 4x4 armored vehicles are also being considered.

Aside from these, the Philippines factory could also be used to manufacture any export requirements secured by Gaia Automotive Industries in the region in support of their operations in Israel.

The Amir up close as taken by a MaxDefense source who was in Israel during Pres. Duterte's recent visit.


Multi-Purpose Armored Personnel Carrier and Accessories acquisition project

End User: Philippine National Police (Special Action Force)
Modernization Phase: PNP Patrol Plan 2030
ABC: Php618,213,470.00
SARO Release: to be updated
Status as of this writing: Notice of Award provided to Lowest Bidder, Contract signing pending
Winning Proponent: Stone of David Corp. – GAIA Automotive Industries Ltd. JV
Contract Price: Php596,344,000.00

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  1. Hope this project will continue and prosper as it benefit the country more so if our Armed Forces patronize it and buy their products and avoid what happened when we assembled those simbas apc which where forgotten and left alone without further development. This are better compared to kimchi type equipment that korea always force feed us.

  2. Concerned for Filipino MilitaryDecember 20, 2018 at 7:12:00 PM GMT+11

    I hope that the Otokar Kaya-2 version will be included in the Phil. Army Light Tactical Vehicle acquisition list. Kaya-2 is one of the best 4x4 MRAP in the market that offers good protection for ied, tnt, small arms fire from enemies. Both Phil. Army and Phil Marines need this. Phil Army and Phil. Marines TWG should evaluate the Otokar Kaya-2.

  3. .Sir max i Hope the Phil. Army TWG will include the Otokar Kaya-2 in thier LTV aquisition. Kaya 2 is one of the best 4x4 MRAP in market. Offering a good IED, TNT , and Small Caliber protection from the enemy. Carrying 10 troops makes the Army more lethal. I hope the Phil. Army and Phil. Marines Technical Working Group will evaluate the Otokar Kaya-2

  4. uhmm anu na kaya update sa project nito


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